A million words can describe a minute. I use a lot less.



026: Some new songs added

I have a few new songs I recorded recently on my web site, which I hope to be updating and improving soon. I recorded these two songs with Sarah. The songs recorded are Blessed be Your Name, a Matt Redman song, and Here is Our King by David Crowder. Both songs were recorded and mastered using Audacity.

I was thinking a while ago how as Christians we have a lot of responsibility. We, in many ways, are responsible for the souls of all mankind. If mankind does not hear the Gospel, then how do they find the Lord. How could God just depend on a select group of selfish, trouble-making, greedy christians, who, in fact, need a constant river of love and salvation from Jesus Christ, himself. I know, I'm just preaching to myself really. I want all of us to try, to lend a hand in spreading something special.

I made my first c program that actually does something. I've written the famous "Hello World!" program before, but this one has a purpose. It calculates the time it takes for two trains to pass one another from a given distance and given constant speed. Then, it takes that time and prompts the user for a specified unit of time. Pretty simple!

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